development, leadership
and success

The Florida Fury Athletic Clubs is committed to delivering the most comprehensive youth sport programs available to boys and girls of all ages. The scope and depth of our programs are second to none in creating an atmosphere that will foster each child’s self-confidence, develop high self-esteem, and build strong character. We provide the most qualified professional staff available to instruct our youth and offer state-of-the-art programs that are designed to create both personal and team development in their sport of choice. All our programs, regardless of level, are structured to provide our youth with the latitude for individual growth enabling each participant to reach their maximum potential as an individual and help to prepare them to succeed in life’s competitive environment.
2023 - Midget 16A SAHOF Champions
Previous Championships
2022 - Bantam 14A Black SAHOF Champions
2022 - PeeWee 12A Black SAHOF Champions
2022 -Squirts 10A Black Silver Champions
2022 - Squirt 10 AA SAHOF Finalist
2019 - Bantam A SAHOF Champions
2017 - Peewee A SFHL South Division Champions
2010 - Squirt A FAHL Champions
2010 - Bantam A FAHL Finalist
2009 - Midget 16 A FAHL Finalist
2009 - Peewee A FAHL Finalist
2006 - Midget U16 A FAHL Champions
2005 - Bantam AA FAHL Champions
2005 - Bantam AA SAHOF Champions
2005 - Peewee A SAHOF Champions
2004 - Bantam AA FAHL Champions
2004 - Bantam AA SAHOF Champions
2004 - Bantam AA SE District Finalist
All pre-2019 championships were a part of the Glacier Sharpshooters Hockey Club